Its not your fault, your ego made you do it!
by Ross Bannister Todd (C) 2012
The way we are raised/trained does not usually give us a full understanding of what living life to the fullest is all about. We usually assume that it means getting people, places, and/or things to make us happy, satisfied, or feel loved. This often works for a while but usually doesnt last.
It doesn't last because we are pretending that something outside of us can change how we feel inside of us. We assume THE OUTER CONTROLS THE INNER the truth is THE INNER CREATES THE OUTER. I realize that may not make sense yet, but keep reading.
HOW YOU FEEL IS NOT controlled by people, places and things but our ego helps us pretend it is. That new phone isnt making you feel wonderful, its you saying to yourself "this is wonderful" vs when you are at work or school you are saying to yourself "I hate this". What you are saying/thinking dramatically effects how you feel then with the help of your ego you blame or attribute your discomfort on something outside of you. What you are not noticing is you [or your ego] decided you don't like what is going on so you resist it and decide: " I don't want to be here". These decisions are causing your discomfort or pain but you don't see that because you are blaming it on something outside of you.
We often blame/attribute how we feel on something outside of us even if the person or situation is not in front of us anymore we still blame it/them. How can they make you feel bad if they are not there? The answer is simple: its all coming from your memories/mind and the ego probablytriggered it. But YOU ARE STILL PRETENDING ITS REAL BUT ITS ALL AN ILLUSION CREATED BY YOUR EGO TO KEEP YOU IN AN UPSET SO IT CAN CONTROL YOU AND STEAL YOUR ENERGY.
Discovering you have an ego is a little like being told you have a tumour, you can't see it so you have no proof it is really there. So your NEXT STEP is to discover your ego.
(To discover your ego: see EGO ebook pdf & Practical Enlightenment 800 slides course-click on STORE)
The ego is very clever at making itself almost invisible. You can't see how it is controlling your life untill you first acknowledge you have an ego. THE EGO IS WHAT IS KEEPING YOU FROM ENJOYING THE FULLNESS OF LIFE.
It has tricked you into beliving your (ego) thoughts/ voice in your head are you, so it seems invisible. In other words you are identified with your ego and believe it is you so you don't see it. Nor do you see that it is not the real you. THE REAL YOU IS THE ONE LISTENING TO THE EGO CHATTER AWAY INSIDE YOUR HEAD. Since the ego is inside our head we ASSUME it is us so we honor it, obey it and assume it protects us. since everyone else has this going on too it is strange that NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT THE EGO. The ego will gladly sacrifice your happiness, health, job, money, relationship, even make you sick to survive and stay in control of your life.
The ego is very much like a computer VIRUS inside you. It needs to steal your energy to survive. To do this it needs to get you upset so it creates drama by creating illusions and triggering difficult, painful memories from your past. It gets away with this because most humans do not question where what they are feeling is coming from, i.e. the present or the past. If they can feel it they ASSUME it is real. Memories of feelings feel almost as real as currently being created feelings. This gives the ego free reign to trick us into believing traumas from our past are going on in the present again. This creates a false reality that is only going on inside you but we usually assume everyone else feels it too. We then base decisions and take action based on this false reality, frequently this causes irreparable damage to our relationships and our lives. In other words we blame someone for our pain and may try to get even but they are innocent, our pain is coming from a memory triggered by out ego. Often then they get angry and fight back because their ego triggers memories of feelings inside them and they step into their false reality and everything goes downhill from there. Then we spend weeks...years trying to figure out what happened but it never makes any sense, it can't because it was all an ego illusion. I will let you in a a little secret: the ego is insane. Yes, that is the same ego that is running and most likely ruining your life.
Come spend 90 minutes with me and I will show you your ego [and how your mind works] and how to differentiate you/the real you from the ego. This will give you the key to your ego prison. It can change your life or you can walk out the door, go back to your life and forget it all with your ego's help very quickly. The session is a conversation, I will not confront you nor ask you to share your deepest secrets but it is an interactive session not just a lecture so you will be able to test many of the things I say right there. You will be able to feel the truth in what I am showing you.
Remember fear does not come from outside of you, it is mostly triggered by your ego when IT THINKS/ DECIDES something is dangerous and it is VERY OFTEN WRONG. It can also trigger fear whenever it wants to control you or stop you from doing something like give a speech, sex, meet someone new, or learn about the ego or have a session with me. The hardest part of a session is getting there, the rest is easy.