Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Bigger, better orgasms and Tantra or just sex

by Ross Bannister Todd
January 11, 2011

Who doesn't want a more fulfilling sexual experience? Most people believe that the problem is their sex partner not being "something" enough. They don't see that judging is a mental activity and all mental competes with or blocks you fully experiencing your physical senses. In other words: WHILE YOU ARE THINKING YOU CAN'T FEEL AS MUCH. Judging, guilt, shame, fantasy is all thinking which reduces your sensual experience or what the sex feels like.

In addition a noisy mind (thinking) reduces the size and duration of orgasm. Orgasm is the spiritual component of physical ejaculation (both male and female). For example if you meditate and therefore know how to quiet your "chatter/ego" mind and do that during sex, you will have bigger orgasms. If you also learn how to have an orgasm without ejaculation, you can have multiple orgasms (men too). Because you do not expend/drain all your energy ejaculating. Yes, bigger orgasms are possible without ejaculation. Ejaculation not only drains your energy but is unhealthy especially for older men.

Orgasms are further improved by establishing a spiritual connection with your partner. This again requires a quiet mind and the ability to focus almost completely on your sensual experience without having chatter/thoughts in your head. It is also important to let go of waiting for your climax (ejaculation). You need to forget about climax and be completely in the present, fully accepting and therefore enjoying the present experience.

Tantra techniques are frequently used to facilitate the results listed above. It is not necessary to practice Tantra to use the techniques to improve your sex life.

There is another level to sexual enjoyment and that is when it is used as an expression of love. However, the love does not come from the sexual experience itself, it comes from the people and their willingness to love, be loving, express love, and experience love. However, this is not conditional ego "love" which is not true love and in fact is usually only lust gift wrapped and labeled love. True love requires an understanding of responsibility, the responsibility that you are the source of your love not another, not someone outside of your body. You cannot "get love" from another you can only allow it to come from deep inside you into your experience. But we humans usually then attribute this experience of love to the person, place or thing in front of us. Which the perpetuates the myth that love comes from outside us.

When one is experiencing love and another person is experiencing love (strangers or mates) and they get together and share love it expands. If they do this while having sex it can become a gateway to the divine. This is a lot of what the purpose of Tantra is about. This is where orgasm can last much longer then minutes and it can also be a full body experience not just localized in the genitals.
For more information please see www.think perfect.com or contact Ross Bannister Todd at tantrasexcoach@gmail.com

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