Friday, December 9, 2011


The battle is not with the world/others, but rather within ourself, with our mind and ego. The ego makes it look like people/things are doing something to us by triggering feelings from our past and pretending they are coming from outside, from the situation in front of us at the moment, but that is seldom true. But the illusion created by the ego tricks us into blaming others, things, etc. So we try and change others, the world which means we never see the true cause of our problems which is our ego. Blaming others alienates us, destroys our relationships and leaves us loveless and alone. The ego can further confuse us by triggering breathing, blood pressure, make us feel bad, etc problems. Which it again pretends is coming from outside us, from people, places, and things. The ego is blatant, insidious, unrelenting and it thinks we and it are safer with it in control of our life. It also needs energy to survive but the only place it can get that energy from it's host-us. But it must get us to judge, guilt, or shame ourselves before it can steal our chi or energy. The ego often drains our energy to stop is from doing something that it thinks is dangerous, under the pretense of protecting us. But the truth is it is actually protecting itself and it will gladly sacrifice our happiness, health, wellbeing, etc. to insure it's survival. It also doesn't realize it dies if we die, but it will sacrifice our health to make sure it survives. So as you can see the ego is not your friend, but it tells you it is constantly and that you can't survive without it. But in fact like most things the ego says, this IS BACKWARDS. Many people don't survive because the egos plan for us is death. Suicide is caused by ego illusions. Many illnesses are caused by the ego. Our inability to do what we want to do like a healthy life, have sex/gay sex, make money, meet new people, take risks is usually caused by ego blocks. But the root source of our problems is being identified with the ego, believing it is us. Being identified with the ego renders it almost invisible and it likes to keep it that way. OUR PRIMARY BATTLE FOR SURVIVAL IS FOR FREEDOM FROM THE EGO. But in order to start this battle you have to realize that you have an ego parasite inside you that is trying to control your life, to run and ruin it. Symptoms that the ego is in control of your life: you have mostly negative thoughts; you judge, shame and guilt yourself often; you resist your life, your mate, your job, your body, your circumstances; you smoke cigarettes; have very little motivation; take a lot of medicine; DON'T ENJOY THE BEAUTY OF LIFE; see life as something that has to be endured; assume suffering is necessary; BELIEVE SOME PART OF YOU IS BAD. Our true self or feeling consciousness: we are born with a true self that has all the information necessary for us to lead a healthy, happy, abundant, loving and satisfying life. But our parasitic ego rewrites our programming and constantly tries to steer us away from our true self and USURP THE POWER for itself. It does things like replace brotherly love and abundance with greed and lack. IT WILL PUT US TO SLEEP OR MAKE US FEEL ATTACKED WHEN SOMEONE TRIES TO TELL US WE HAVE AND EGO PARASITE INSIDE US. GIVE US A HEADACHE WHEN WE TRY AND READ A BOOK ABOUT EXPANDING OUR CONSCIOUSNESS AWARENESS. MAKE US RESIST ASKING FOR HELP FROM OTHERS OR RECOGNIZING OUR GUIDES. STOP US FROM MEDITATING. MORE INFO AT WWW.THINKPERFECT.COM


CONSCIOUS/TANTRA SEX NEW SEX INTIMATE SENSUAL SEXUALITY when sex is sweet, satisfying & exciting it is because intimate sensual sexuality is happening. It is the kind of sex that everybody wants but seldom gets. Intimacy can be with a stranger, friend, lover or mate. Intimacy comes from the mental and the spiritual, not the physical or actual sex. LESS MInd (thinking) AND MORE SPIRITUAL What this means is your sexual sensations and feelings will seem more intense/stronger and not just located in the genitals if you quiet your mind. In addition (like a background) you have the delicious feelings of INTIMACY which are usually missing from western ejaculation sex. Intimacy can have a positive affect on jobs, health and life in general. In a relationship intimacy often changes everything for the better, especially when two people practice sexual intimacy, often. Thinking during sex reduces, a little or a lot, the amount of sensation or feeling you are aware of from the actual act of sexing Then if you are willing and able to have a spiritual connection it AMPLIFIES, DEEPENS, and ENLARGES ORGASM and you feel the effects of the REJUVENATING sexual energy. Ejaculation and orgasm are two separate things that usually happen together but don't have to for you to experience orgasm. Orgasm is spiritual and ejaculation is physical. Ejaculating sperm freely from the penis is very unhealthily and not necessary for orgasm. There are several techniques that can be used to redirect, stop and then pull the energy from the sperm into the body and the mind so you can enjoy multiple orgasms and retain the chi/energy. The sperm energy is some of the most healing, rejuvenating and soothing energy we have especially when it is moved into the body and the mind. Ejaculating often (especially for older men) can drain the body of its life energy, aliveness, mental alertness, and even hasten death. Part I is a free class that explains more in detail and has some techniques that will be demonstrated (clothes on ), Part II is a fee nude seminar where you will practice these techniques and more (part II may be more then one session\meeting. WWW.THINKPERFECT.COM FOR COACHING OPTIONS, CLASSES , ETC.

Sunday, December 4, 2011


IF SEX IS NO FUN by Ross Bannister Todd assisted by the Helpers If sex is not fun then there may be shame or guilt present in your body/mind. You may still be accepting shame [allowing your ego to shame you] and not realizing that you don't have to do that. It may have become so habitual for you that you don't even see that you are agreeing with it, again. You may have accepted this shame as a given for so long that you don't see that it is NO LONGER TRUE. This may be just one of the untrue emotions that you are keeping alive from your past that are shaping your current reality, your health or how you feel. If sex is bad or dirty (shame) and you do it anyway, it can't be fun, can't be a sensual celebration of your body, genitals, anus, mouth, lips, and spirit. It will tend to lessen or eliminate your orgasms. Some of you because of your up bringing or religion you do not allow yourself to enjoy sex but you still do it, crave it, and most likely suffer guilt after you have had sex, wanted sex, desired sex, or just fantasied about sex. There is nothing dirty about sex unless you believe there is. Sex has been given to us to enjoy, to recharge ourself with the revitalizing energy of sensual sexuality or sex. When two people who love themselves then share their sensual sexuality as an extension of that love with each other, orgasm can then become a gateway to the divine, loving orgasm can be communion with the divine. [this has nothing to do with organized religion] When sensual sexuality is used to make love is restores your chi/energy, heals your body, rejuvenates and refreshes you and gives you a DEEP SENSE OF SATISFACTION and completion. So much so that you may not even want to have or need to have sex again soon. copyright (C) by Ross Todd December 1, 2011 all right reserved

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Bigger, better orgasms and Tantra or just sex

by Ross Bannister Todd
January 11, 2011

Who doesn't want a more fulfilling sexual experience? Most people believe that the problem is their sex partner not being "something" enough. They don't see that judging is a mental activity and all mental competes with or blocks you fully experiencing your physical senses. In other words: WHILE YOU ARE THINKING YOU CAN'T FEEL AS MUCH. Judging, guilt, shame, fantasy is all thinking which reduces your sensual experience or what the sex feels like.

In addition a noisy mind (thinking) reduces the size and duration of orgasm. Orgasm is the spiritual component of physical ejaculation (both male and female). For example if you meditate and therefore know how to quiet your "chatter/ego" mind and do that during sex, you will have bigger orgasms. If you also learn how to have an orgasm without ejaculation, you can have multiple orgasms (men too). Because you do not expend/drain all your energy ejaculating. Yes, bigger orgasms are possible without ejaculation. Ejaculation not only drains your energy but is unhealthy especially for older men.

Orgasms are further improved by establishing a spiritual connection with your partner. This again requires a quiet mind and the ability to focus almost completely on your sensual experience without having chatter/thoughts in your head. It is also important to let go of waiting for your climax (ejaculation). You need to forget about climax and be completely in the present, fully accepting and therefore enjoying the present experience.

Tantra techniques are frequently used to facilitate the results listed above. It is not necessary to practice Tantra to use the techniques to improve your sex life.

There is another level to sexual enjoyment and that is when it is used as an expression of love. However, the love does not come from the sexual experience itself, it comes from the people and their willingness to love, be loving, express love, and experience love. However, this is not conditional ego "love" which is not true love and in fact is usually only lust gift wrapped and labeled love. True love requires an understanding of responsibility, the responsibility that you are the source of your love not another, not someone outside of your body. You cannot "get love" from another you can only allow it to come from deep inside you into your experience. But we humans usually then attribute this experience of love to the person, place or thing in front of us. Which the perpetuates the myth that love comes from outside us.

When one is experiencing love and another person is experiencing love (strangers or mates) and they get together and share love it expands. If they do this while having sex it can become a gateway to the divine. This is a lot of what the purpose of Tantra is about. This is where orgasm can last much longer then minutes and it can also be a full body experience not just localized in the genitals.
For more information please see www.think or contact Ross Bannister Todd at

Monday, January 3, 2011

sex sex sex sex

by Ross Bannister Todd

Sex is deeply embedded in our culture, not just the act of having sex but a lot goes in to what happens before sex.

We go to the gym to have a great body, we buy clothes that either show off our body or hide it, we groom it, pay the plastic surgeon to change things, do diets, hair cuts, hair removal, etc, this all has to do with looking good and looking attractive so we can attract a mate and or sex.

Many people only have friends that look like people they are attracted to, they don't even socialize with people that do not appear attractive to them.

For some people the chase is all there is. It motivates their entire life, yet some of these same people may not even admit this to themselves, or to anyone else. they are in denial about their motivation, they may even talk down sex, are sexaphobic or homophobic. Many homosexuals are homophobic because that is what the culture has taught them and they haven't seen through it yet.

We need sexual energy, it is an integral part of our life force. When we put it down, dislike it, make it wrong we are actually crippling ourselves. There is NOTHING BAD WITH OR ABOUT SEX.

Unless you are projecting your negative, judgmental energy onto sex and pretending that dark energy is coming from sex. Loving sex is rejuvenating, uplifting, energizing, orgasmic and healing. Unless you are guilting or judging yourself while you are having or after you have just had sex, which then taints your experience, makes sex unhealthy, changes the energy of sex and CAUSES disease. guilt puts holes in your immune system that allows disease to enter. It is not the sex that is dirty it is your thoughts, your mind, your intentions, what you are projecting onto sex.

People that have no guilt about sex seldom get any kind of sexual disease, even when they have sex with someone that has something.

'WE COME FROM SEX" as Osho point out in his book"SEX MATTERS". Our culture/society in the USA says that SEX IS BAD. If you believe something is bad and you do it anyway, it will make you sick. If you take a pill and believe it is bad, it will make you sick. Take the same pill and believe, trust, decide it is good for you and it will not make you sick. I have taught this to many clients who were getting sick from their HIV meds. As soon as they really decided their medicine was good, ok, was NOT poison they stopped getting sick in most cases.

Next time we ill look more at the role of Tantra and non-mental sex.

Love yourself first because if you don't you can't give love to anyone else - its not selfish your body needs it to be healthy.

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